Talking about IT infrastructure is talking about optimization, business performance, IT security and competitive advantage, a poorly configured and deficient IT infrastructure will result in frustration in work teams, and a decrease in effectiveness and productivity in automation systems.
Mandatory technological changes
The Covid-19 forced most companies to adapt to a new way of working and move quickly to the cloud, helping to optimize business performance and a competitive advantage. To carry out process automation projects is to face new challenges in an adequate way, so that at the end of this one can speak of success. As technology becomes more and more advanced in a strategic area within organizations, technological projects tend to have more and more business components, so that changes must occur in the different work processes of the company, as well as in the IT departments. This is why many IT teams are beginning to fully appreciate the differences in the deployment of automation technologies versus traditional IT systems, the scope of the changes that will be introduced and their potential impact on IT teams.
Supporting the business model: IT Infrastructure
Knowing the technological architecture of the organization before starting an automation project or any other technological project is very important, since it guarantees that its IT infrastructure is reliable and secure, not only for the sustainability of the business, but also for its scalability. All this requires qualified personnel to carry it out and to be in charge of providing adequate maintenance to manage it. In today’s digital era it is required to have a fast, reliable and secure system that can keep up with the constant updates and innovations offered by the IT world. Such as high performance storage systems, data processing and recovery systems or infrastructure components for data access and availability.
Supporting RPA projects: Technological Infrastructure
In order to have a good IT management for the implementation of RPA’s it is important to consider having a good integral plan of technological infrastructure that includes all aspects of the organization such as institutional systems, qualified human resources, documented business processes, to mention a few, and according to the objectives set at the beginning of the automation project. The most common points to take into account are the following:
- Orchestration of business processes: The use of Business Process Management Systems (BPM) -like ADONIS BPM Suite from BOC Group- applications helps to enhance the improvements that have been made by applying a methodology of analysis, documentation and redesign of business processes.
- Security and proactive prevention: Security is the greatest responsibility that companies face, which is why it is recommended to have an infrastructure with intelligent, sophisticated and well-managed systems dedicated to data security, providing proactive security solutions, such as analysis and tracking of virtual threats.
- Disaster management and recovery: Data loss, system downtime and productivity disruption create lost profits and frustrated teams, so a solid IT infrastructure with data backup means that lost, damaged or compromised data can be recovered from systems, and a fast and effective response is available.
- Advanced, robust and intelligent systems: An outdated or obsolete IT Infrastructure can lead to poor connectivity, slow processing speeds and frustrating data storage. Having an efficient and effective IT infrastructure helps keep your data secure and available, which in turn generates higher productivity for automated process processing.
- Flexible and scalable IT infrastructure: As your business evolves, needs grow and change, thus expanding the need to acquire new software, equipment, upgrades and applications. These measures create a scalable IT infrastructure, providing effective solutions throughout the life of your business.
- Maintaining standards and compliance: In an ever-changing world of information and technology, security standards and transparency have become essential. This is why you must comply with the rules and regulations required by the internal regulatory comptroller of each organization, in order to safeguard the security and integrity of the data. Failure to comply with the required standards may result in serious consequences such as loss of customers or debilitating lawsuits.
IT Infrastructure consists of hardware, software, facilities, data center, computers, applications and much more. These components work together to create effective communication, efficient processes and effective workflow, however, it must be a single system that adapts to the needs of the business. Therefore, make sure you have the best tools when implementing RPA’s, as this will allow for the empowerment of workflows and will result in faster and more efficient service delivery, composed of smooth processes and measurable results that will help ensure continuous improvement of your business.
In Linnoit we are in the best disposition to help you to achieve all of the above, you can Contact us to schedule a session.
7 cosas a evitar en un proyecto de RPA
Automatizar actividades que no son económicamente viables o cuyo grado de complejidad es muy elevado
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